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About Us

Advocating for Minnesota's Boreal Future


Through advocacy and outreach, we strive to amplify the issue of climate change in the public awareness and bring attention to the significant impacts we as Northlanders will face if no action occurs. We aspire to ignite public passion for the cause and provide frameworks for action, inspiring collective efforts against climate change and building political willpower to address the issue.

Hello! My name is Harmony Fisher, and I'm the face behind the organization. 

Although I currently reside in Cambridge, Massachusetts where I study Government and English at Harvard College, my heart will always belong to my home state, Minnesota, and its people. I was born in Cloquet and raised in the beautiful Arrowhead Region, and the endless time I've spent outdoors in the Northland has permanently gifted me with a deep appreciation for our unique but highly-imperiled natural heritage. In an era when climate change threatens the northern way of life that defines us as the resilient region we are today, I am deeply dedicated to preserving our boreal winters & wildlands far into the future through advocacy and action. 

BorealForward's Work

BorealForward aims to build a world in which we as Minnesotans work to treasure and protect our northern heritage by joining together to fight for a climate in which the boreal forest can continually thrive in our state.


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